How to find your story

There are probably many stories and memories from your volunteer experience; perhaps you volunteered more than once. The stories that you tell here need to be yours but rather than focus on stating the facts or describing the scene, you should focus more on reflecting on what you felt and learned in the process.

So, when thinking back of your volunteering days, here are some questions to help you find the story:

  • What moved you the most during your volunteering and why – a gesture, a sight, an event, a smell even.
  • Who/what inspired you most/least and why?
  • Is there a lesson that you feel you have learned from your volunteering days…How did you come to the realisation that there was a lesson to be learned?
  • What was your happiest/saddest/most infuriating/frustrating/fearsome/testing moment during your volunteering
  • What are you proudest of about your volunteering?
  • Are there any jokes, legends or myths that circulated around during your volunteering times?
  • Has your volunteering had an impact on you/ changed you in any way?

The good thing about the Volunteer Histories project, is that you can share as many stories as you like, in the format you are either most comfortable with or in the format you want to experiment with.

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