
About the project

The Volunteering Histories project aims to collect, capture, display and analyse memories of volunteering from around the world as told by volunteers themselves. The website is set up in such a way that you can share your story (or stories) the way you remember it (them) in the format that you are comfortable with: be it with images, audio, text, video or a combination of some or all of the above. You can therefore upload more than one post and the way you represent your memories and experiences is completely up to you.

The stories captured here are part of a non-profit academic study about volunteering and digital storytelling and will be used to inform a variety of papers, presentations, books, courses and workshops (both academic and professional).

With the stories displayed here, Prof Dr Ana Adi (link to “about the researcher” page), who is running the project hopes to:

  1. Bring attention to the importance of experience and memory in the volunteering journey
  2. Enable volunteers to become the heroes of their own stories
  3. Explore (personal) storytelling techniques in a digital environment
  4. Enable volunteers’ experiences to inform ongoing research, service and policy development (both within organisations and countries)

Please contact Prof Dr Ana Adi if you have any suggestions or questions.

About the lead researcher

Dr Ana Adi is a Professor of PR/Corporate Communications at Quadriga University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Germany. Prior to her appointment at Quadriga University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Adi worked as an academic in England and Bahrain, as a visiting lecturer in Belgium, Thailand and Romania and as a consultant in public relations and social media strategy in Scotland and Belgium.

Prof. Adi’s research and consultancy focus o a variety of interrelated topics including storytelling, corporate social responsibility, and social media.

Find her online on Twitter @ana_adi and www.anaadi.net.