
  • I agree to be part of the Volunteering Histories project.
  • I agree to share my volunteering memories onto the Volunteering Histories website.
  • I can use my real name on the website OR I can keep my name private and use the pseudonym I fill in in the registration form.
  • I understand that other people will read my story once it is published on the website.
  • I understand that my story can be referenced, mentioned, linked to or shared by others.
  • I own the story/stories and my memories. I can do what I want with the content that I publish.
  • I understand that the stories, images and videos I post are mine and if not, I have obtained the author’s consent to publish them here.
  • My stories are about me.
  • I have not used someone else’s stories to create/write my own.
  • The Volunteering Histories team has talked to me about what it means to be part of the Volunteering Histories project.
  • I understand that the Volunteering Histories team will talk to me about what I want to put up on the website before the stories go public; they have consulted with me and helped me ensure that my story is okay for me and other people.
  • I can stop being part of the Volunteering Histories project at any time. I understand that my withdrawal is from that moment forward. I understand that if my story has already been published and has been mentioned in publications, presentations or other materials, it cannot be retroactively withdrawn.
  • I can change what I want to put on the website at any time. In order to do so, I have to inform the Volunteering Histories team.
  • I know I can ask more questions about the Volunteering Histories project and my participation in it at any time .
  • I can talk to Prof Dr Ana Adi, the lead researcher for the project, at any time. I can contact her here, on the phone or reach out to her on Twitter @ana_adi.